Exploring Dementia

This interactive dementia workshop uses creative and engaging techniques that will have you interested from the moment it begins.

52% of people in the UK know someone who has been diagnosed with dementia. Whether you are family, a friend or a colleague, it is easy to feel lost in knowing the best way to approach, or what to say.

It is no wonder that people with dementia can often feel isolated and lonely.

Open your eyes to how dementia affects individuals

  • Learn communication tools to help

  • Understand the common symptoms

  • Understand some of the challenges people with dementia face

  • Learn how you can make a difference

Whether you are a family member of someone living with dementia, a volunteer or you work with people with dementia every day. This course has something for everyone.

People tell us this course is a real eye-opener and go away feeling much more confident and empathic and full of new ideas to try for positive and meaningful interaction.

We can deliver the Exploring Dementia Training either LIVE via zoom or face to face too, if you would like some more information then please contact us on hello@memorymatters.org.uk 

Exploring Dementia

“The course was very good. It made me look at dementia from a different side.”

-Customer Feedback