Virtual Cognitive Stimulation Therapy (vCST) Case Study

Theresa regularly attends Memory Matters CST sessions, and she loves them. Theresa lives on her own and normally drives herself to the sessions each week, as she has little support from her family. Theresa loves to socialise, so it was important to her to try and get onto the online sessions.Theresa was very reluctant to try at first, as she has no internet and lives in a rural location. The thought of using technology and the internet frightened her. This was because Theresa had no experience with technology and was terrified of the complete unknown. As Theresa had very little support from her family and is very independent so doesn’t require any support at home, it was the help she received from a friend who is good with technology and the support of Memory Matters that enabled her to get online.

When I am able to get on its lovely to see everyone and I really enjoy it. It's good to be able to see everyone- Theresa

Memory Matters provided Theresa with a tablet with data already installed on it. The tablet was already set up for Theresa to use. Theresa’s friend or the Memory Matters staff would call her every week to go through the different steps on how to get onto the session, as she really enjoys them.

Oh, this is marvellous. I can see everybody!- ClareΒ Β Β 

Clare is 99-years-old and she has been a part of Memory Matters CST sessions for over 6 years. Clare had never used a computer before and always thought a tablet was something you took. However, with the help and support of her family she was able to get online and now joins in every week. After a couple of sessions, Clare started to overcome her feelings of anxiety after receiving reassurance from her family and she now feels confident to join in with the sessions and she really enjoys seeing everyone.

Β I miss everyone when I am not here.- Hazel

Hazel accesses the Virtual Cognitive Stimulation Therapy (vCST) sessions from her grandsons house each week. This allows Hazel’s grandson to get everything set up for her, so she can get onto the sessions.Author: Shania James


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